What is your favourite summer passtime? (You can choose more than one answer.)

Monday, February 6, 2012

At the London Zoo are penguins, tigers, giraffes, gorillas, parrots, monkeys, begimoty, lions, snakes, fish, camels, flamingos, toucans, owls.
A single ticket costs 20 euros.
At the London Zoo sold souvenirs and books.

Friday, February 3, 2012

I would like to visit British Museum.
At 14.30 they have tour "Ancient Egypt".
I was Egvpt 5 years ago and i would like to know more abaut Egvpt.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

the British Museum or London Zoo?

Angelina! Everybody goes to the British Musem when they come to London. Are we going there?

What place are you going to visit in London?
I'd like to see London Zoo! Is it in the city centre?